Productivity Tools and Apps for Wedding Photographers

It's hard to believe but we are entering the second quarter of the year. Where does the time go? The first quarter usually means a lot of prep for your upcoming season so I wanted to share a few of my new & old favorite productivity tools that help kept me on track the last three months.

I hope they are helpful for you too & if you have any suggestions, I'd love for you to leave a comment and let me know what your favorite productivity tools are. Enjoy!

Productivity Tools and Apps for Wedding Photographers

No. 1 - Full Focus Planner - I started out the New Year with one of the Classic Standard in Black Full Focus Planner by Micheal Hyatt. I was looking for a daily planner to keep me on track with my daily tasks, quarterly goals, and something small enough to fit comfortably on the desk. I had something similar from another company but I never used it because it was simply too big. After a few weeks, I knew this was the perfect planner for me and finished it at the end of March and purchased a yearly subscription where they automatically replenish your planners every 80 days. So smart but I wouldn't expect anything less from Micheal Hyatt. If you haven't read Your Best Year Ever - I would highly recommend picking up a copy of his book too!

No. 2 - The Template Tribe - I might have a degree in Graphic Design but it doesn't mean that I want to design my own Canva templates on my own, so when I found The Template Tribe, I was so relieved! Not only are their Canva templates beautifully designed (simple, modern) but they have Canva templates for everything including e-guides, online courses, lead magnets, and so many more that ANY small business owner could use. They offer a monthly membership that gives you immediate access to all of their templates. It's a great resource that saves me so much time creating new products in the shop. They also have some great freebies for you to try before you decide to sign up.

 Tip: You will need Canva Pro to use and edit these templates

No. 3 - Later - Instagram Planning App - I have been using the Later app for over two years now and I have to say it's probably one of my favorite apps I use. I spent about 1-2 hours a week creating new content for Instagram and using the Later Instagram Planning App makes it so easy for me to create new posts, schedule, auto-publish, and geo-tag my posts so that I don't have to think about it once it's done. I also started a second Instagram account for Tea with Jainé so by using Later to plan both accounts, it truly is a lifesaver.

No. 4 - Tailwind - Pinterest Planning App - I am finally back to pinning my new blog posts on Pinterest with the help of the best Pinterest app out there, Tailwind. Not only does it make it fast to pin your work to your boards, it knows the best times to actually pin them so people will see your work. Lately, my recent pin views are off the charts and I know it's from using Tailwind along with my own Pinterest techniques. It's a must-have for any wedding photographer!

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