Creating Custom Photography Proposals that Book with Sam Jacobson of Ideaction Consulting

I’m so excited about today’s podcast episode because I am chatting with Sam Jacobson of Ideaction Consulting! I’ve been a big fan of Sam’s for a long time and I’m thrilled to have him on the podcast. Last year, I make a conscious effort to learn more about sales and the sales process as a small business owner. It’s not something that you are just automatically “good at” and if you are anything like me, you actually hate the thought of “selling”.

When I found out about Sam and his services that were specifically tailored to Wedding Photographers, I knew it was going to be a great match. I invested in his online course and changed my entire sales process from start to finish with immediate success. You guys, he’s the real deal and I’m so excited he’s on the show today! We are chatting about the importance of taking the time to create a wedding proposal for your clients and how to finally ditch the PDFs! Seriously, delete them asap!

Sam and his wife Katy, run Ideaction Consulting and they host in-person workshops, 1-1 Mentoring, copywriting and so much more. You have to sign up for his newsletter too!

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